Chatterbox is your resource for brand clarity. Get straightforward advice to build a sustainable personal brand and attract dream clients. Chatterbox helps you stand out with clear, actionable branding advice.

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✴️ Paid Subscription

I will always be transparent with you, Chatterbox is so much more than a weekly publication; it's sharing everything I have learned, experienced and consumed over 30 years of working in Retail, IT Service Level Management and running my own Brand Consultancy business for over 12 years. Content is curated into a themed season - think Bridgeton on Netflix!

  • I don't do courses

  • I don't do masterminds

  • I do sustainable and affordable pricing

It’s a Netflix subscription for your business.

  • Monthly fee: $20

  • Annual fee: $200

Subscribe to the ✴️ Paid Stuff!

What is a Chatterbox Season?

A Chatterbox Season is a curated series of themed content designed to guide, inspire, and equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed. Each season focuses on a specific aspect of personal branding and business growth, providing a deep dive into essential topics through a variety of engaging and actionable articles.

Key Features of a Chatterbox Season:

  • Themed Focus: Each season revolves around a central theme relevant to you, such as "Client Relations”.

  • Structured Learning: Content is organised in a logical sequence, making it easy to follow and implement step-by-step strategies. Each article builds on the previous one, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

  • Actionable Insights: Practical tips and real-world examples are provided to help you apply the concepts discussed. From case studies to how-to guides, each piece is designed to be immediately useful.

  • Interactive Elements: Worksheets, and challenges that reinforce learning and encourage you to take action. These tools are designed to help you reflect on your progress and stay motivated.

  • Community Engagement: Join a community of like-minded individuals who are also following the Chatterbox Season. Share your experiences, ask questions, and support each other through the journey.

  • Weekly Updates: New content is released weekly, keeping the momentum going and ensuring you have a steady stream of fresh insights and inspiration.

By the end of each Chatterbox Season, you will have gained a wealth of knowledge and practical skills, all tailored to help you build and grow your personal brand with confidence and clarity.

Client Relations Season

Welcome to the Client Relations Season, your ultimate guide to mastering client relationships. This season, we will delve deep into the essential strategies and tools needed to elevate your client interactions and position yourself as an indispensable advisor.

Here’s a sneak peek at what you can expect from each of the 9 transformative articles:

1. Be the Guide - Position Yourself as the Go-To Person

2. Identify Your Target Audience

3. Stand Out in the Marketplace

4. Convert Audience into Clients

5. Effective Icebreakers

6. Awareness

7. Acquaintance to Trusted Confidant

8. Insights and Surveys

Subscribe to the ✴️ Paid Stuff!

Ever feel like you're shouting into the void?

That's what an unclear brand does.

You're drowning in a sea of sameness, while your ideal clients scroll right past you. Ouch.

Clarity isn't just nice-to-have.
It's your golden ticket to client love and cold, hard cash.

  • Your purpose? It's your North Star in a world of distractions.

  • Values? They're your secret handshake with dream clients.

  • Personality? It's what makes you unforgettable (in a good way).

  • Messaging? It's the difference between "meh" and "hell yeah!"

Ready to stop blending in and start standing out?

Chatterbox is serving up the secret sauce in the ✴️ Paid Stuff. But ask yourself: Are you brave enough to be crystal clear, or will you keep hiding in the crowd?

Subscribe to the ✴️ Paid Stuff!

Sick of brand fluff that leaves you spinning?

Hi I’m Emma, your guide to walking the talk.

You've been sold snake oil and empty promises.

But here's the truth bomb: clarity isn't just nice, it's your secret weapon.

With 30 years of battle scars from Retail to IT, I'm not here to pamper you. I'm here to catapult your brand into the stratosphere.

  • Courses? Please. I'm serving up three decades of hard-won wisdom.

  • Masterminds? Nah. This is your front-row seat to brand domination.

  • Pricing? It won't break the bank, but it'll break your competition.

  • Format? Think Bridgerton meets Business School. Binge-worthy brilliance.

Ready to cut through the noise and make your brand roar?

Chatterbox isn't just content, it's your battle plan. For less than your fancy coffee habit, you're getting the keys to the kingdom.

But ask yourself:

Are you ready to get real, or are you just playing business dress-up?

Work with Me

You used to light up rooms.

Now you're struggling to light up Zoom calls.

Remember when your words sparked revolutions? Now they're just filling awkward silences.

  • Your vision isn't blurry. You're just talking to the wrong crowd.

  • That fire in your belly? It's not extinguished, just misdirected.

  • You're not "bad at sales". You've forgotten how to speak your truth.

  • Your ideal clients aren't hiding. They're waiting for you to show up.

60 minutes with me = 6 months of clarity you've been chasing.

Book a Power Hour

Back History

Made in 1972

In an era of Corona pop, making mud pies, playing with Sindy dolls and singing along to Blondie at the top of my voice in the back of my Dad’s Vauxhall Victor!

Shopfloor: Learning Life Skills.

My career started in 1989 as a Saturday checkout girl for Iceland Frozen Foods. Over 16 years I climbed my career ladder from the checkout to regional systems manager to IT management. When I reflect on my days in store it taught me the core skills of entrepreneurship which are the core of everything I do today.

Brummie: Born & Bred

A Brummie1 born and bred. At the turn of the century I moved to Bristol where I live today with the guy who stole my heart, Martin along with our feline furbaby Stevie (sadly we lost Sprout our furbaby of 15 years in February 2024).

Learner: Online Course Junkie

Self taught in brand, graphic and web design and to think it began with an invitation to join Pinterest in 2012.

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Business Hours

Mon - Thu: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri - Sun: Closed
Bank Holidays: Closed  


Bristol, South Gloucestershire, United Kingdom 


Every great achievement starts with someone daring to believe it’s possible.


From the City of Birmingham, UK.

Subscribe to Chatterbox

Chatterbox is your resource for brand clarity. Get straightforward advice to build a sustainable personal brand and attract dream clients. Chatterbox helps you stand out with clear, actionable branding advice.


Brand whisperer. I'll slice through the noise clouding your vision and carve out a brand that screams YOU. No fluff, just raw, actionable strategy that'll make your dream clients weak at the knees. Ready to get real or keep playing pretend?